Yvette Sanchez, 500hr E-RYT Yoga Alliance

In my classes I aspire to create an environment of healing through an artful blend of poses that transition intuitively while centering in the heart and connected with the breath. I also utilize a sensitive touch during adjustments.

My classes offer opportunities for Meditation, Mudra, Mantra, Pranayama as well as story-telling of the Hindu Myths during or before a playful asana practice. My mission is to inspire my students to become more compassionate towards themselves and others by stirring in them a curiosity about how the emotional, mental and physical are interconnected and how yoga can help to create ripples of change throughout mind, body and spirit…drawing them back towards their true nature of joy and contentment. I believe in allowing our hearts’ wisdom to guide us back to grace and ease through every day life.

My first yoga class took place at my very first teacher training after a call from my sister in which she told me; “I think yoga teaching is your calling”. I was inspired to move back home to LA from the east coast because I had never heard such conviction in my sister’s voice before. It was my chrysalis. 

I completed my 200hr teacher training in 2002 and began teaching right away. In fact, my sister and I would teach together in those early days, one walking the room offering adjustments the other leading from the front of the room and we would often switch. I completed my 500hr teacher training in 2012, I will always be a student of yoga and continue to attend trainings and hope to continue to live my Yoga with grace everyday.

My family and I made the move to the Seattle area in 2007 and have found a lovely community we hope to continue to cultivate.

Apart from Yoga I have also studied;

Physical Therapy at Mt. Saint Mary’s College, Los Angeles CA (PTA 1998)

Massage Therapy at North Eastern Institute of Whole Health, Manchester NH (LMP 2000)

Spiritual Identity Program under Char Sundust with Sundust Oracle Institute at Bastyr University, Kenmore WA 2017-18