Sara teaches both on the mat and yoga trapeze styles of yoga. She became a yoga instructor in 2014, and has studied with Lucas Rockwood (YOGABODY), Bryan Kest (Power Yoga), Stacy Dockins (Yoga Project Studios), Pam Cheng (Be One), and Alison Marra (MAVEN Yoga). She has well over 1000 hours of teaching experience in diverse settings with equally diverse students.

Sara’s sessions focus on functional movement and mobility to support your body at all stages.  She brings her knowledge of physiology, anatomy, and rehabilitative exercises to each yoga session to heal from and prevent injuries.

Sara is uniquely experienced in providing careful coaching to yogis 60+, those with artificial joints, recovering from injury, and other interesting body situations. Clients regularly report building balance, flexibility, and mindfulness that directly translates to a higher quality of life.

Originally hailing from Wisconsin, Sara lives in Lynnwood with her husband Jason, bonus kiddos Chris and Rainier, and two mischievous kitties Bowser and Loki.